Quarterly performance reports are available for the Model Portfolios listed below. Click the portfolio title to view the available reports.
All PIA Dimensions Portfolios℠
This report contains data on all ten model portfolios.
PIA Dimensions 100/0 Portfolio℠ (AGGRESSIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 100/0 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with an aggressive tolerance for risk. Comprised of 100% equity funds and 0% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 90/10 Portfolio℠ (AGGRESSIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 90/10 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with an aggressive tolerance for risk. Comprised of 90% equity funds and 10% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 80/20 Portfolio℠ (AGGRESSIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 80/20 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with anaggressive tolerance for risk. Comprised of 80% equity funds and 20% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 70/30 Portfolio℠ (AGGRESSIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 70/30 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a moderate tolerance for risk. Comprised of 70% equity funds and 30% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 60/40 Portfolio℠ (MODERATE)
The PIA Dimensions 60/40 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a moderate tolerance for risk. Comprised of 60% equity funds and 40% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 50/50 Portfolio℠ (MODERATE)
The PIA Dimensions 50/50 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a moderate tolerance for risk. Comprised of 50% equity funds and 50% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 40/60 Portfolio℠ (CONSERVATIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 40/60 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a conservative tolerance for risk. Comprised of 40% equity funds and 60% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 30/70 Portfolio℠ (CONSERVATIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 30/70 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a conservative tolerance for risk. Comprised of 30% equity funds and 70% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 20/80 Portfolio℠ (CONSERVATIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 20/80 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a conservative tolerance for risk. Comprised of 20% equity funds and 80% fixed income funds.
PIA Dimensions 0/100 Portfolio℠ (DEFENSIVE)
The PIA Dimensions 0/100 Portfolio℠ is intended for investors with a defensive outlook towards risk. Comprised of 0% equity funds and 100% fixed income funds.